This fictional Playtex advertisement based in the early American ’60s was featured in the television series Mad Men (2007–2015). The black-and-white dichromatic scheme alternates with two juxtaposed…
I know how important it has become for everyone to have a good solid income portfolio. We are always looking for different ways to make money online. While experimenting with these side hustles, some…
Have all conflicts a primarily material basis?
Being a fan of tech and immersed in the industry, it’s a constant struggle for me to not want to upgrade my devices with each new release. With the launch of the M3-powered 14-inch and 16-inch…
Here’s a little story from my teenage years about how I ate some ants: during the summers when school was off, I attended an outdoors camp in northwoods Minnesota. I went first as a camper, then as a…
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The Love That Knows No Boundaries
My Feelings are Valid, and I Honor Them: Learning to Create Space and Time
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My Voice Deserves to be Heard
I Choose to Take the Chance if I Want Anything in Life to Change
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