The cost to buy a 15-second video in Times Square can vary, but it can be as low as $40. One of the digital billboards in Times Square, operated by TSX Entertainment, offers a 15-second spot for $40…
If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve had your fair share of frustrating moments with Character AI bots. Trust me, I’ve been there too. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a goldfish…
How to take control of your happiness and stop others from using you. My take on Adam Grant’s Theory. The waves give and take too. Psychology, Relationships, Personal Growth, Giver, Taker.
Drinking a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil became one of my 30-day challenges, a series created to build tiny, sustainable, healthy habits. In just a few months, I’ve tried everything from…
I was born of any Italian mother and English father in England and spent my younger years playing soccer and any sport I could. I started working in a bank when I was 18 years old. I was a male model…
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