If you guessed ptosis and you know what it is, I’m even more impressed. (You’re probably a doctor and/or have it yourself.) The magic is brought to the lucky afflicted person by a dysfunction in the…
The music industry. I started out as a singer and went on to co-own an independent music publishing company in Nashville TN. I “keep my chops up” by singing background vocals on country albums…
It seems the next election cycle is again upon us as candidates are declaring their intents to run at the national, state, and local levels across the country for 2020. We should be used to this by…
The Premier League is about to begin. The on-field spectacle will no doubt entertain for the coming season. Off field activities in preseason however command an increasingly large portion of our…
Toy Story, as a franchise, can be said to be about a lot of things. The importance we place upon inanimate objects. Growing up, which usually means growing out of the things we once cherished…
Why Time Flies: The Science of Joy and Serotonin
The Space Between Silence
I Am Capable of Taking Small Steps Towards Better Health
I Am Patient With Myself on This Journey
Is Raw Milk Safe For Consumption & What’s So Special About It?
Five Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Black Coffee.
JavaScript Promise.safe()
A Gentle Intro to CSS Style Tags in HTML — Inline Styles — Build Your First Website (Part 3)
Jesse’s Daily Horseback Ride
Don’t Let That Dog Loose
Genetic Insights: Are You an Introvert or Extrovert?
A Sense of Identity and Belonging is Vital to Adoptees: The Experiences of Adoptees
Out for a Ride
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