
Do You Believe In Angels?

Grace Mary Power


Angels are supportive uplifting beings of Light

My Lucky Guardian Angel. Photo provided by Grace Mary Power

Angels are traditionally seen as human-like beings in white with wings, sometimes with halos of light around them. To me, an Angel is a being of light that cannot be described other than I can best describe an Angel as a spark of God, that connects to all Life and that emanates peace and support.

Angels appear in many different religions and there is a huge lot of information about different types and choirs of angels and their purposes.

Now, I like to think about “angels” as angelic rays of higher dimensional light, the light of the Cosmos which everything sprung from initially. If you want to pray to Archangel Michael to cut cords to others that don’t help you, or to protect you, or to pray to Archangel Raphael for healing assistance, you are really connecting to and asking for the support of God via a particular quality ray or a certain energy emanating from Source.

I believe in Angels, including Guardian Angels, which I describe as rays of light which are close by to you at all times. Here are my Angel experiences.

Three White Feathers 🐦 🐦 🐦

Now I have been told or I read somewhere that you can ask for a “sign” from your Angels or your Higher Self that you are in connection with them or with your Higher Self (the part of you that is strongly connected to the Divine), and that you are:

“on the right track” or

“all is well with you” or that

“a major event coming up in your Life will be okay” or that

“the Angels / your HS / your Spirit Guides are looking after you”

In October 2014 I went into hospital for Open Heart Surgery to replace a faulty aortic valve that I had been born with, with a mechanical valve.

In the lead-up to this, I was stressed, not so much because of my health condition, but because of work matters and trouble with the hospitals, and I started getting chest pains. This frightened me and so I turned to the Angels for help.

I asked them for a sign in the form of a white feather, that “all will be well in my world”. This is the exact phrase I…



Grace Mary Power

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.