Let Me Inspire You To Be Happy

It doesn’t take much to be happy.

Nabanita Dhar
2 min readMar 14, 2018

Let me tell you a story today.

I always tell people that happiness is intrinsic. But how often do I remember it? Well, take a wild guess. Hardly enough.

So, that’s what happened last week. It was International Women’s Day and the various radio stations were playing interviews of successful women, CEOs. Presidents et al. But there was one station which chose to talk to the everyday women, the ordinary women we tend to overlook. They chose to talk to someone like you and me. They chose to talk about the extraordinary that lives in the ordinary. And one of those women reminded me that I need to look within to be happy and it doesn’t really take much.

The lady in question is a small time tea seller who owns a very small establishment with her husband in the city of Bangalore. And here’s her everyday routine. She wakes up at 3 am in the morning every single day to finish her household chores which involve cooking and prepping everything for her school going children. Then from 5 am to 7 pm she works in her tea shop. And do you know how much she makes in a month? About Rs. 15000/- to Rs, 20000/- which is $230 to $300. Obviously, the next question posed to her was if that was enough to sustain a family of four. If it was enough for her to be happy. And she said this,

“We don’t need much to be happy. As long as we are together, safe and healthy, we have enough.”

A simple yet important lesson which I often forget. It doesn’t really take much to be happy, does it? If she can be, that why can’t we? All it needs is for us to focus on the things that matter and stop bother about the excess or the lack of that thereof.

She reminded me to find happiness in the smaller yet important things in life and not run after sparkles.

I hope her story inspires you too.



Nabanita Dhar

Nabanita Dhar is a Software Engineer, Freelance Writer, Blogger and working mom. Author of Letters in Ice.